Philadelphia Eagles Deluxe Replica Speed Helmet (CDG)

These helmets are slightly smaller than the Collegiate Authentic helmet. This deluxe helmet comes with decorative internal padding, a polyvinyl-coated steel facemask and a 2-point chin strap. This is perfect for a display piece! Made By Riddell

Philadelphia Eagles Deluxe Replica Speed Helmet (CDG)

$ 137.99
Philadelphia Eagles Deluxe Replica Speed Helmet (CDG) - 757 Sports Collectibles

Philadelphia Eagles Deluxe Replica Speed Helmet (CDG)

$ 137.99
$ 137.99

These helmets are slightly smaller than the Collegiate Authentic helmet. This deluxe helmet comes with decorative internal padding, a polyvinyl-coated steel facemask and a 2-point chin strap. This is perfect for a display piece! Made By Riddell